Spotify's Most Streamed Tracks

Spotify's Most Streamed Tracks
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Project Overview

Participated in the October 2023 #DataDNA Dataset Challenge focused on Spotify's Most Streamed Tracks of 2023, organized by OnyxData. A comprehensive exploration of music tracks that were released during a variety of years is presented in this dashboard on analysis. My goal is to provide useful details about how music has changed over time, to highlight standout tracks, and to find trends that have influenced the industry of music.

Key Insights

  • Utilized HTML to showcase vibrant covers of the most streamed songs.
  • Analyzed song popularity across different timeframes, observing trends throughout the year.
  • Uncovered unique musical vibes present in the top tracks.
  • Implemented a dynamic TopN slicer to identify dominant streamers over various periods.

Key Learning

  • Developed skills in background creation using PowerPoint.
  • Implemented visualizations such as Deneb Heatmap, Deneb Unitchart, and HTML Visual.
  • Created a Dynamic Slicer Selection with parameters for enhanced interactivity.
  • Implemented a dynamic TopN slicer to identify dominant streamers over various periods.

Tools Used