Maven Market Analysis

Spotify's Most Streamed Tracks
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Project Overview

Completed a bonus project titled "Maven Market Analysis" during the "Microsoft Power BI Desktop for Business Intelligence" certification, focusing on insightful analysis of Maven Market datasets. The dashboard provides actionable insights into sales performance and customer behavior. It helps identify trends in product performance and operational efficiency.

Key Findings

1st Page (Overall Summary):
  • Displays key metrics such as total sales, total profit, total transactions, profit margin, revenue, and returns.
  • Compares weekday vs. weekend transactions and visualizes revenue against targets.
  • Includes weekly revenue trends and total sales segmented by country, state, and city.
  • Highlights top products based on sales and profit.
2nd Page (Product Details):
  • Features performance metrics including current month profit vs. target, units sold vs. target, and returns compared to the previous month.
  • Provides insights on monthly transactions, weekly profit, return rates, and lists the top 10 brands/products by profit.
3rd Page (Customer Details):
  • Identifies the most profitable customers along with their revenue and order data.
  • Analyzes customer orders by demographics such as occupation and gender.
  • Includes weekly revenue trends and total sales segmented by country, state, and city.
  • Breaks down monthly orders and revenue by customer age group.

Tasks Performed

  • Data Connection & Shaping: Connected to and transformed raw data.
  • Data Modeling: Developed a robust data model.
  • DAX Measures: Implemented advanced DAX measures.
  • Dashboard Creation: Built an interactive dashboard.

Tools Used

Power BI